Let’s give our RP a little more sense.
The student who misbehaves and is caught will sign a warning with the principal or with monitor. But it will not be the all, this warning will be filed in that topic and when the student accumulates 6 warning he will be suspended from school temporarily.
It will work like this: 6 warnings posted on this topic with proof, the player will be expelled from the school, that is, he will be banned from entering Bullworth Academy.
Light warning - equals 1 warn.
Severe warning - equivalent to 3 warn.
Super serious warning - equivalent to 6 warn.
NOTE: Warnings will only be valid if they are posted on this topic!
Form for submitting warning
1) Your nickname:
2) Nickname of warned player:
3) Proof (video or ss):
4) Details:
*only principal and monitor can submit warnings.